Want to know where Rooftop is going? Learn more about our vision and pray for the future at our twice-yearly State of the Roof business meeting. The Voting Roster approved the 2024-2025 budget at our April meeting. In October, voters appointed Dave Mattox and reappointed Blake Ahrens and Greg Cook to the Elder Team.
We gather in the Community Center for a SOTR pot-luck meal before the meeting. We'll provide the main dish. If your last name starts with A-G, bring a dessert. If it starts with H-Z bring a side dish to shareChildcare will be provided during the meeting.
Rooftop's Voting Roster (VR) is the voting, democratic body that is given the responsibility of approving the proposed annual budget (at the Spring Business meeting) and approving for eldership candidates recommended to the congregation by the existing elder team (at the Fall Business meeting). Under special circumstances, the VR also approves amendments to Rooftop’s Constitution and By-Laws, all by two-thirds majorities.
Requirements for the VR are minimal, but significant, and are listed below. Applications are reviewed by the Elders and subject to their approval. Persons on the VR will remain on the Roster assuming they attend one of the previous two annual business meetings, remain actively involved in the life of the church, and demonstrate a lifestyle devoted to following Christ.
Rooftop Church is organized with Bylaws drafted by the Elder Team and approved by the Rooftop Voting Roster. See the latest version here.