It is our goal to be a church that equips, supports, and sends people across the city, nation, and world with the gospel of Jesus Christ who will "make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19)
We do that through partnerships with Chrsitian ministries nearby and far away. Rooftoppers support these organizations and people with money, prayer, and time.
At least twice a year, we send short-term teams to places like Mexico, Kosovo, Africa, and elsewhere in order to serve the local church, build homes, equip and train pastors, love at-risk children, and provide health care.
Here's a list of ministries and orgnaizations that our Global Outreach team supports
Rooftop Church is among the 15 churches in Affton that support the Affton Christian Food Pantry with donations, money and volunteers.
Our church serves the pantry clients on the third and fifth Thursday each month from 5:30 - 8:30 pm. We stock shelves, make appointments, interview clients, and help people select food.
By developing personal relationships, All Nations promotes the love and message of Jesus Christ, helping refugees and immigrants in St. Louis of all ages eliminate impediments to the full expression of their unique gifts, allowing them to thrive in their new environment and escape the feeling of displacement.
The Carver Project is an organization of Christian faculty at Washington University in St. Louis. They empower Christian faculty and students to serve and connect university, church, and society. Their goal is to work toward uncommon community, focused engagement, and creative dialogue.
Christian Family Services is an organization in Webster Groves of professionals equipped to help individuals and families. Their staff includes counselors, pregnancy support specialists, Selah living social workers, and adoption and pregnancy support.
FirstLight is a St. Louis-based ministry that is dedicated to sexual integrity and helping people live a life according to God's standards on sexuality. By cultivating a community of care that utilizes in-person and virtual meetings, mentoring, and therapy, FirstLight is able to provide extensive sexual discipleship and clinical care that is unique in its thoroughness and breadth.
The Kingdom Restoration Society (KRS) is a global partnership mission agency that works for the proclamation of the good news of the kingdom of God in word and deed that has now arrived in Jesus the Messiah. Rooftop supports Daniel and April Murphree, serving in southeast Asia.
Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached. Rooftop supports a missionary serving in the middle east.
Serge is a grace-based, international missions organization bringing together mission and spiritual renewal. Its work consists of helping people experience on-going gospel transformation and equipping them to move outward into mission. Rooftop supports missionaries Jerrett and Megan Henley, who are serving in Japan.
SIM's sports ministry sends out missionaries who use sports as a platform to share this message of hope with young people, their families, and their communities! Rooftop supports Chris and Holley Sierra, who are working in west Africa.
Strategic Alliance has been serving the poorest of the poor in the slums of Reynosa, Mexico for more than 30 years. They build houses, sponsor school children and feed families in the boarder crisis. Rooftop Church financial supports Strategic Alliance and sends teams of volunteers twice a year to build homes.
South City Community School exists to be an intentionally accessible Christian school in the City of St. Louis, to provide students a feast of ideas preparing them for their next academic endeavor.
For more than 75 years, Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. Rooftop supports workers Nate and Elizabeth Marti, who are helping Central Africans to translate the Bible into their own mother-tongue languages.
Rooftoppers Gary Barnes and his wife, Javonda, have served as missionaries and leaders with World Changers International for three decades mostly with the people of Thailand.
The Pregnancy Help Center is a free clinic in south St. Louis County that provides education, support programs, pregnancy testing, and ultrasounds to women who are expecting. Their Christian-based approach focuses on protecting life.
Want to learn more about our support of global outreach workers? Click the button below to email Pastor Jeremy DeBoard.