Make the most of your Christmas when you give your time and possessions to help those who need you.  These serving opportunities are sponsored through a Rooftop ministry. Contact Heather Gain, director of Communications and Outreach about info about ongoing service projects.


Bake Christmas Cookies

Show love to your church and community by baking Christmas cookies. We're looking for volunteers to bake a couple dozen or more homemade cookies that we can serve to guests on Christmas Eve. You can drop than at church anytime before Dec. 22. We'll freeze them until needed. Sign up at


Homeless Outreach - Pack Donations

Sunday, Dec. 22 | 12:30 pm | at Rooftop

Help assemble backpacks full of warm winter gear and special gifts for the Rooftop’s Homeless Outreach Street Team to deliver to those living on the streets this December. Great family-friendly serving opportunity. RSVP to


Join the Christmas Eve Service Team

We're looking for people to great guests, make hot chocolate, direct parking, tidy the Worship Center on Christmas Eve, when we expect lots of visitors. If you are willing to serve before and after one of our services at 2:30, 4:00, & 5:30 pm, please email Pastor Josh Nix at


Mexico Mission Cash Drive

Rooftop is sending a team to Reynosa, Mexico, just after Christmas to build houses for poor families. Bless the people of the Colonia by donating cash so the team can buy furnishings. Pick an envelope from Giving Wall in the lobby. Return donations in sealed envelopes to the wrapped box near the tree by Sunday, Dec. 22. 


Gift a Homeless Friend

Pick a tag from the Giving Wall in the lobby and bring back a gift from a wish list for our special friends. All donations must be returned by Sunday, Dec. 22, so the team can give away the donations around Christmas. More info:


Care Portal Adopt-a-Family 

Provide gifts for a struggling families whom Rooftop has been helping through the St. Louis Care Portal. Check the Giving Wall for details about the children including sizes and gender. Consider donating new clothes, toys, books, gift cards, and art supplies. Drop wrapped gifts in the Fostering Faithful Families basket in the Welcome Center by Dec. 15. Questions? Email Midge Winkler at