God calls the church the "body". It means we are all connected and dependent on one another — much like a body relies on all its parts to function well. We would love to help you become a part of our church body.
Whether you are new to the church or just trying to get connected, we have created an easy next step. It's called Connect Lunch. We host this lunch every other month - usually on the last Sunday - after third service.
Come share a meal, meet some people and learn more about the church. We'll provide food. Bring your questions and family. You'll meet a variety of our staff, elders, and deacons. We want to hear your story and connect you with other people.
Don't try to do life alone. Get plugged into a Small Group at Rooftop. They are places to build relationships and learn more about following Jesus.
Make an declaration of what God is doing inside your heart. Get baptized. It's like "shouting from the Rooftop" that God loves you and Jesus is your savior.
Move up the "floors" and make Rooftop your church home. At Rooftop, we designed a map to help people take their next steps. We call it “doing church floor by floor.”
At Rooftop Church, we believe prayer makes a difference. How can we pray for you this week? Let us know using the form below.
NOTE: Any prayer request you share with Rooftop Church will be forwarded to our staff and our Prayer Team, who has pledged to pray for each one.
Rooftop's Voting Roster is the voting, democratic body that is given the responsibility of approving the proposed annual budget and eldership candidates. This happens at the State of the Roof meetings twice a year. Apply for the Voting Roster online now.
We are happy to allow you the use of Rooftop Church’s building, which God has graciously put in our care. Learn more about reserving the church and make a request online.
Want to share your event or news? Rooftop's staff and marketing team will work with you to create the most effective promotions. Read our communications policy and make a request online here.
Thanks to the generosity of our givers, Rooftop provides financial assistance to people who are struggling in our church community. Our Benevolence Team members can coach families in the areas of budgeting, paying off debt, and financial planning. Team members also review and approve applications for financial assistance.
If you need help paying bills or meeting other financial needs, please contact our team.
At Rooftop we value honest and constructive feedback. The Rooftop Elder Team wants to know how the people of God at Rooftop think we’re doing so that we may serve God and shepherd his people more faithfully. Click here to find a feedback form.
Download Rooftop's Church app to connect with our staff, ministries, and people. You'll find a calendar, sign up forms, sermon videos, announcement and more. Download the free Church Center app in your mobile app store.
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