Baptisms are kind of a big deal at Rooftop Church. Why? They are declarations of what God is doing inside hearts. It's people "shouting from the Rooftop" that God loves them and Jesus is their savior. Now, we understand that dunking people in water might seem weird to some. But it's actually a beautiful moment we love to celebrate here. You might too. Take a look.



The New Testament teaches the importance of baptism in the life of every believer. Jesus instructs his disciples to baptize all new converts in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:19). In response to his audience’s question concerning their own sinfulness, the Apostle Peter directs them to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38). 


In being baptized people profess their belief in the forgiveness of sins made possible by the death of Jesus Christ (Acts 22:16). By re-emerging from the waters of baptism, people also demonstrate belief in the resurrection of the dead at Christ’s coming, as they begin their new life of holiness (Rom. 6:4). Baptism is also often accompanied, in the New Testament, with the manifestation of God’s Spirit given as a gift to all his people (Acts 2:38; 10:44-48; 1 Cor. 12:13). Learn more


We celebrate baptism the fourth Sunday each month at Rooftop. We can't help but celebrate when a person declares themselves for Jesus. Take some time to watch videos of our best moments at Rooftop.


Lets us know if you want to know more or talk to a pastor about baptism!

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